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17 Prodotti

HPLC Fittings

HPLC fittings are components used in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) systems to establish secure connections between different parts of the chromatographic setup. They play a critical role in ensuring leak-free connections and efficient flow of the liquid throughout the system.

HPLC fittings come in various shapes and sizes, designed to accommodate the specific requirements of the HPLC system. Common types of fittings include ferrules, unions, adapters, connectors, and filters.

Ferrules are small rings that are placed around the tubing to create a secure seal. They are typically made of metal or polymeric materials. Unions are used to join two pieces of tubing together, ensuring a tight connection and preventing leaks. Adapters are employed to connect components with different connection types, allowing compatibility between different parts of the system. Connectors are used to secure connections between various components such as columns, detectors, injection valves, or pumps. Filters are often incorporated into the fittings to remove particulate matter or protect sensitive components from contamination.

Proper selection and installation of HPLC fittings are crucial to ensure the integrity and performance of the system. They should be compatible with the system and the solvents or samples being used. Tight connections are essential to prevent leaks, which can compromise the accuracy and reliability of the chromatographic analysis. Attention should also be paid to the size, shape, and compatibility of the fittings to ensure optimal flow and minimal dead volume.

Overall, HPLC fittings are integral components in HPLC systems, providing secure connections and facilitating the smooth flow of liquids throughout the system. Their proper selection, installation, and maintenance are essential for achieving accurate and reliable chromatographic results.

What Is PEEK and Why Do We Use It In Our HPLC Fittings

PEEK (polyether ether ketone) is a high-performance thermoplastic polymer with a linear aromatic structure. It belongs to the family of polyaryletherketones and possesses exceptional mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties.

PEEK is characterized by its high strength, stiffness, and toughness, making it suitable for demanding applications. It exhibits a tensile strength of around 100 MPa and a Young's modulus of approximately 3.6 GPa, providing excellent mechanical integrity.

In terms of thermal properties, PEEK has a high melting point of around 340°C (644°F) and can withstand prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures without significant degradation or softening. It also exhibits excellent dimensional stability over a wide temperature range.

Chemically, PEEK is highly resistant to a broad range of chemicals, including acids, bases, organic solvents, and strong oxidizing agents. It resists attack from hydrolysis, making it suitable for use in environments with high humidity or exposure to moisture. PEEK also has excellent resistance to radiation, making it a preferred choice in nuclear applications.

PEEK is an electrically insulating material with low flammability and high resistance to creep and fatigue. It demonstrates good resistance to wear, abrasion, and friction, enabling its use in challenging environments.

Furthermore, PEEK is biocompatible, allowing its use in medical and biomedical applications. It has a low coefficient of friction, making it suitable for applications where reduced friction and wear are required.

The chemical structure of PEEK consists of alternating ether and ketone groups, resulting in a highly stable and inert polymer. Its molecular structure offers excellent resistance to degradation, allowing for prolonged use in aggressive environments.

Due to its exceptional properties, PEEK finds application in a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, electrical and electronics, oil and gas, medical, and chemical processing. It is commonly used in components such as seals, gaskets, bearings, valves, connectors, pump parts, and HPLC fittings, where high performance, strength, and chemical resistance are required.

Due to these qualities PEEK if an ideal material for HPLC. However, we use Victrex 450g PEEK as it has many benefits over standard PEEK which are:

  • Enhanced Purity

    Victrex 450g PEEK undergoes stringent manufacturing processes and quality controls, resulting in higher purity levels compared to generic PEEK. This enhanced purity reduces the risk of impurities and contaminants, ensuring better performance and minimizing interference with samples or processes.

  • Improved Mechanical Properties

    Victrex 450g PEEK offers enhanced mechanical strength, stiffness, and toughness compared to standard PEEK. These improvements can result in better resistance to stress, cracking, and vibration, ensuring reliable performance in demanding applications.

  • Optimized Chemical Resistance

    Victrex 450g PEEK exhibits superior chemical resistance compared to generic PEEK. It may provide better resistance to a wide range of solvents, acids, bases, and other aggressive chemicals, ensuring long-term stability and reliability in harsh chemical environments.

  • Enhanced Dimensional Stability

    Victrex 450g PEEK offers improved dimensional stability, maintaining its shape and dimensions even under high temperatures or prolonged use. This enhanced stability contributes to tighter tolerances, better sealing, and improved overall performance in critical applications.

  • Tailored Formulation

    Victrex 450g PEEK has specific modifications or formulation adjustments to enhance certain properties based on targeted applications. These modifications could be related to thermal stability, wear resistance, electrical conductivity, or other performance parameters, resulting in a more optimized material for specific use cases.

HPLC PEEK Fittings

Dado senza flangia in PEEK per HPLC, fondo piatto (5/16-24 UNF per tubi da 3/16" OD) Dado senza flangia in PEEK per HPLC, fondo piatto (5/16-24 UNF per tubi da 3/16" OD)
Spina in PEEK per HPLC (10-32 UNF x 0,39") Spina in PEEK per HPLC (10-32 UNF x 0,39")
Raccordo a tenuta di dita in PEEK per HPLC (10-32 UNF per tubo da 1/16" OD) Raccordo a tenuta di dita in PEEK per HPLC (10-32 UNF per tubo da 1/16" OD)
Raccordi HPLC

Raccordi HPLC

I raccordi HPLC (cromatografia liquida ad alte prestazioni) sono componenti critici che facilitano connessioni precise e affidabili all'interno dei sistemi cromatografici. Questi raccordi svolgono un ruolo cruciale nel mantenere l'integrità del sistema e garantire risultati analitici accurati e riproducibili.

I raccordi HPLC sono progettati per resistere alle alte pressioni comunemente incontrate nella cromatografia liquida. Sono progettati per fornire connessioni sicure e senza perdite tra i vari elementi del sistema, tra cui colonne, tubi, rilevatori, iniettori e pompe. Creando una tenuta ermetica, questi raccordi prevengono qualsiasi perdita di pressione o perdite che potrebbero compromettere le prestazioni e l'accuratezza del sistema cromatografico.

Una delle considerazioni chiave sui raccordi HPLC è la loro progettazione e configurazione. Sono disponibili in un'ampia gamma di forme, dimensioni e stili per soddisfare diversi requisiti di sistema e tipi di connessione. Alcuni tipi comuni di raccordi includono ghiere, unioni, raccordi a T, adattatori, connettori e dadi.

Le ghiere sono comunemente utilizzate nei raccordi a compressione per creare una tenuta ermetica tra il raccordo e il tubo. I raccordi vengono utilizzati per collegare due pezzi di tubo, consentendo un facile smontaggio e rimontaggio del sistema. I connettori a T consentono la ramificazione del tubo in più direzioni. Gli adattatori vengono utilizzati per collegare raccordi di diverse dimensioni o tipologie. I connettori forniscono una connessione sicura tra la colonna e gli altri componenti del sistema. I dadi vengono utilizzati nei raccordi filettati per fissare la connessione.

I raccordi HPLC sono progettati con precisione e attenzione ai dettagli. Possono presentare thread o meccanismi di compressione che garantiscono una connessione sicura e affidabile. I raccordi filettati utilizzano filettature per creare una connessione stretta e stabile, mentre i raccordi a compressione si basano sulla compressione di una ghiera contro il tubo per creare una tenuta. Entrambi i tipi di raccordi offrono prestazioni affidabili se installati correttamente.

La corretta selezione e installazione dei raccordi HPLC sono fondamentali per le prestazioni del sistema. I fattori da considerare includono la compatibilità con le dimensioni del tubo, la pressione nominale e il tipo di connessione. È essenziale garantire che i raccordi siano compatibili con i requisiti specifici del sistema e che siano opportunamente abbinati al materiale e alle dimensioni dei tubi.

Inoltre, i raccordi HPLC devono essere resistenti ai solventi e ai prodotti chimici utilizzati nel processo cromatografico. Dovrebbero essere in grado di resistere all'esposizione a un'ampia gamma di solventi senza degradarsi o compromettere l'integrità del sistema.

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